The Art of Being Simple

Many peoples will admit that they are simple without knowing what is simplicity itself. Society mentions about “being simple”, “minimalism” all the time within its complicated realities. However in my humble opinion, please remember something that simplicity is not mere about your appearances, it is not mere about lifestyle, it is not mere a method of behaviors, and absolutely is not mere about living less, eat less, own less, etc. Living poor is not the same with living simple

Simplicity is a part – or may be I can say is a result – of something bigger. It is a part of humility, a heart attitude and a true essence of being a human. The real challenge of simplicity does not appear when we are living in deficiency, it emerges when we are living abundantly both spiritually and physically, there are choices and you have to choose. It is not easy to be simple in the modern world, since our society and the communities within it demand everything being fast, unique, special, and also in the same time is a results-oriented society with crazy amounts of knowledge and information moving in a really unbelievable speed. What a distraction!

Me, as a young man few years ago also experienced this kind of vibes. I admitted that I am a simple guy, but it was not because my heart’s attitude. It was because i grew up know nothing about myself except the clothes I wore, foods I ate, how I talked. Aren’t they just small parts of our expressions instead of being simple from the inside?

The very first thing which is your must-have-definition in living a simple life is clarity. There is a clear understanding about you. Knowing yourself is a must! Who you really are, why you exist as you are now, what is your bigger purpose (s). Why I say this is a must-to-do stuff? because without understand your true self, you are lying to yourselfonly to satisfy the needs for identity and acceptance within the society where you live. Let’s say, you admit to everyone that you are live simple, yet you live in a confusion and life full of unnecessary drama. Don’t you think they are contradicting each other?

The second most important one is your ability to carry out whatever your purpose, dreams, goals with that clarity and passion. You living a simple life because you expect the results only as much as what you are decide to give in. It is a really simple logic and common sense here! No scams, no magic. You are what you decided days, weeks ago and years ago. Admit it, restructure your plan – back to number 1 – and start over again consistently.

The third one is, simplicity should walk together with compassion for others. You might be done the first and second things and think those are enough. However, you should remember there are another human around you trying to achieve their own purposes as hard as yo are. We live as a community to respect and appreciate each other positively, so corporate society’s goals can also be achieved, which will help you create a better atmosphere for yourself to manifest yourself consciously.

I shall conclude, that the art of being simple is really simple by itself. Define yourself with clarity, execute passionately whatever you have in your mind, and treat others with compassion and respect. There will be a lot of dynamics since the first small step being made, but I guarantee, you will enjoy to understand the true meaning of being a simple person; less energy being expended on unnecessary things, and happier souls, to know that you are not live by everyone’s expectation. Cheers and celebrate yourself! 🙂



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